Thursday, 5 April 2012

More On Islam

This is the symbol of Islam. You may have noticed that lots of countries have this symbol on their flag , and thats because they are a muslim country.A Muslim, also spelled Moslem,[1] is an adherent of Islam, a monotheistic Abrahamic religion based on the Qur'an—which Muslims consider the uncreated and verbatim word of God (Arabic: الله Allâh) as revealed to prophet Muhammad—and, with lesser authority than the Qur'an, the teachings and practices of Muhammad as recorded in traditional accounts, called hadith. "Muslim" is an Arabic word meaning "one who submits to God." I told you that in the last post.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Islam Is Peace

I am a Muslim,  I absolutely love my religion!I feel safe and proud when I wear my hijab. Look at that girl, she looks happy! :) So contrary to all usual assumptions,Muslim women feel liberated and proud to wear the hijab. She wears it becauseshe wants to be judged only by what she says and does, not what she looks like. Its only natural we should want to cover our beauty; Its ordained for us by Allah Subhana Watta'ala. In the Quran. Islam means Peace , and Submission. Submission? But submission to who? you might be asking. Submission to Allah , Lord of the world. He who has created us so perfectly , SubhanAllah. I feel proud to be Muslim. Islam is peace.